Workshop Content and slides

In this page, you can find the slides and handouts for the workshop.

I recommend you to download the repository in its entirety to make your learning much smoother, instead of downloading single files.

Click to go to this workshop’s repository

Day 0: Preparation

Day 0 is meant to introduce the various data types we will be working on during the workshop. It is not meant to be the to-go area if you wish to learn the very basic foundation of coding in R. However, this will get you going with more hands-on work and allow you to be familiar with the workshop content.

Slides for Day 0: Preparation

Day 1: Data Wrangling

Day 1 introduces you to the basics of loading and manipulating your data with the tidyverse collection. We will go through several functions, such as read_csv(), filter(), select(), mutate(), and rename(). The list is not exhaustive and we do not have time to go through all the functions. Hence it is up to you to learn more about tidyverse after this workshop.

Slides for Day 1: Data Wrangling
Recorded workshop video for Day 1: Data Wrangling
Completed workbook

Day 2: Data Visualization with ggplot

For this section, we will focus on the grammar of ggplot, creating basic plots, making custom plots, and setting custom themes. This is where you can get creative with your colors, themes, settings, etc. Show your artsy side with ggplot!

Slides for Day 2: Data Visualization with ggplot
Recorded workshop video for Day 2: Data Visualization with ggplot
Completed workbook